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Its simple and beneficial...

If you have already registered please log in using the Member Login box on the left

Registering for membership is easy. Enter your preferred user name and an email address in the panel on the right and you will be notified of a password by email. The email will be sent without delay so depending on your email host this should appear in your mail box shortly.

Using the provided password return to this website and log in. You will automatically be returned to this page and you will be requested to enter a new password of your own choosing. Passwords are only kept in an encrypted form so please record your new password as we cannot retrieve it. A new password can be issued by clicking on "Forgotten Password" in the Member Login box opposite. You will need to enter a username for this to happen and a new password will be sent by email.

You may change your password at any time by returning to this page of the website.

Once registered you may complete your contact and delivery details but there is no need for these details unless you wish to order one of our products

Ensure you receive emails from Strawberry Handbags

To ensure you receive emails from Strawberry Handbags add the following emails to your address book:

These are the main emails used for sending messages and order confirmations. Check your spam or junk folder if you're not receiving emails. Use the Contact us form if you need assistance.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions page


Registration details
Email Address:
Verify Email:
Enter wow here

Forgotten your password?

Please complete the details below and we will generate a new password and send it to your email address that we have recorder.

Enter either your username or Email address
Email Address:
Enter wow here